Unique Server Upgrade (predviđen)
  • Prioritet - Nizak
  • Odgovarajući Poslužitelj - unique
  • As part of our commitment to enhancing service quality and performance, we are excited to inform you about an upcoming upgrade for the Unique server, which currently hosts your website.

    What’s Changing? We are in the process of acquiring new hardware specifically for the Unique server. Once this acquisition is complete, we will proceed with setting up the software on the new server. Subsequently, we will then initiate the seamless transfer of your website to this upgraded server. Please note that if you use third-party DNS services (such as CloudFlare), you’ll need to update to the new IP addresses after the transfer.

    Benefits of the Upgrade: This upgrade brings several critical improvements to the backend infrastructure:

    1. Enhanced Reliability: The new hardware ensures greater stability and uptime.
    2. Increased Speed: Expect faster load times and smoother user experiences.
    3. Modern Software Compatibility: The upgraded server will support the latest software technologies.

    Your Action Items: While we anticipate a smooth transition, we recommend the following proactive steps:

    1. Review and Update Site Scripts: Ensure that any scripts or applications associated with your website are updated to ensure compatibly with the new server environment.
    2. Backup Your Site: As an additional precaution, maintain local backups of your website files. Having a copy on your computer provides an extra layer of safety.

    Timeline: Barring any unforeseen circumstances, our goal is to complete this transition by the end of next week. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this process.

    Have Questions? Our dedicated support team is available to address any inquiries or provide further assistance. Feel free to reach out—we’re here to help!

    Thank you for choosing our services. We value your business and look forward to continuing to serve you.

    We are pleased to announce that we are in the final stages of provisioning our new server for Unique. As part of this upgrade, we will soon commence the migration of user accounts to the new server. To ensure a smooth transition, we kindly request that you refrain from making any major adjustments to your site during this process.

    If your domain relies on a third-party DNS service (such as Cloudflare), please take note that you will need to manually update your DNS records to reflect the new IP address associated with the upgraded server. Rest assured, we will provide the necessary details once the migration is successfully completed.

    Thank you for your cooperation, and we appreciate your continued trust in our services.

  • Datum - 2024/06/15 00:00
  • Zadnje ažurirano - 2024/06/20 02:44

Status poslužitelja

Dolje je pregled u stvarnom vremenu naših servera.

Poslužitelj HTTP FTP POP3 Opterećenje poslužitelja Vrijeme